Posts Tagged ‘links’

Things to click on

So, I’ve found a number of hilarious things online recently, but not all of them were childfree related, and none are post-worthy by themselves. So, I figured I’d do a round-up of everything interesting.
Firstly, here’s why octopi are better than mothers. I’ll leave it to you to decide which are better, but this guy makes a convincing argument.

The same guy has also ripped Twilight to shreds. Granted, it doesn’t take a lot of skill to do (have you ever read that crap?) but it’s hilarious, nonetheless.

If, like me, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is the most nostalgic memory you have of the 90’s, you’ll love this video. There’s been a number of times when the God Channel has been Rick Roll’d, but this is even better.

I do not remember The Flinstones being ok making jokes like this, but whatever.

I suppose this one is only hilarious to gamers, but it made me and my boyfriend laugh so hard we almost puked.

And finally, my new favorite song.